应威廉希尔足球官网邀请,加拿大Simon Fraser University的吕召松副教授将于2013年6月2---6月30日来我校访问,并进行为期3周的关于“信息处理中的优化方法”的系列讲座。具体安排如下:
序号 |
时间 |
地点 |
1 |
6月7号下午2:30-5:30 |
理科楼202 |
2 |
6月8号下午2:30-5:30 |
3 |
6月14号下午2:30-5:30 |
4 |
6月15号下午2:30-5:30 |
5 |
6月20号上午8:30-11:30 |
6 |
6月21号下午2:30-5:50 |
报告人简介:Zhaosong Lv is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and an associate faculty member in Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University, Canada. He received his PhD in Operations Research from the school of Industrial and Systems Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology in 2005 under the supervision of Dr. Renato D. C. Monteiro and Dr. Arkadi S. Nemirovski. He was a Zeev Nehari Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University during 2005-2006. He also held Visiting Associate Professor positions at Texas A&M University and Arizona State University during 2012-2013. Dr. Lv's research interests include theory and algorithms for continuous optimization, and applications in data mining, finance, statistics, machine learning, image processing, engineering design, and decision-making under uncertainty. He was a finalist of 2005 INFORMS George Nicholson Best Student Paper Competition for the work on first-order methods for solving large-scale well-structured semidefinite programming. He has published numerous papers in major journals of his research areas such as Mathematical Programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, INFORMS Journal on Computing, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Optimization Methods and Software, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, and ASME Journal of Mechanical Design.
附件: 讲座内容.pdf