应威廉希尔足球官网的邀请,美国华盛顿大学Moshe Rosenfeld教授近期访问我校,并作学术报告。
时间:2013.6.17 上午9:00—10:00
题目:The odd-distance graph
Let M be a metric space and D a subset of real numbers. By geometric graphs G(V,D) we mean graphs whose vertex sets V are subsets of M and two vertices are connected by an edge if their distance is in D. Probably the, most well-known graph in this category is the unit-distance graph (R^2 : {1}). My current favorite graph, a “close relative?” of the unit-distance graph is the odd distance graph: (R^2 : {1; 3; 5; …}). In this talk I will discuss this graph and time permitting I will survey some other geometric graphs, Orthogonal Representations, equiangular lines. I will conclude with some intriguing open problems.
Prof. Moshe Rosenfeld got his Ph.D. from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1967. He is now a Emeritus Professor of Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, His main search fields include Graph theory, design and analysis of algorithms.